Renewing Spiritual Energy

image03We are three part beings – spirit, soul and body. Most of the time we take care of our bodies, but neglect our soul and spirit. We all know that when we are deprived of sleep we don’t function as efficiently. We can’t think ‘straight’, our ability to focus is altered and we tend to be irritable, in other words our body starts to break down.

Just as our bodies need sleep to restore and rejuvenate, to grow muscle, repair tissue and synthesize hormones, so too does our spirit require a time of peace and silence for renewing its energies. It is vital to our spiritual welfare to make time every day for meditation. Meditation can mean different things to different people, some people are even afraid of the concept, not really understanding what meditation is.

Meditation can be sitting quiet and pondering a scripture, mulling it over in our minds. Joshua1:8 and Psalm1:2 tells us to ‘meditate day and night’.
Meditation is also sitting quietly, waiting in God’s presence Psalm 46 :10 tells us to ‘Be still, and know that I am God’

There are so many benefits of meditation. Recent studies have shown that meditation can help relieve stress keeping you calmer, enhance your ability to focus and boosts your creativity and intuition. So not only does meditating renew your spiritual energy, it also improves your state of mind and helps create a healthier body.

We all do really know how to meditate, in fact a lot of people do it every day without realising what they’re doing- worrying. Worry is mulling over in our minds all kinds of negative scenarios. Going to bed at night worrying about things that happened during the day, or things that might happen the following day. Worry is meditating negatively and we don’t want to do that.

So, if you’re not already meditating, why not start today, even for say 15mins. and start enjoying the benefits in your mind and body as well as spiritually.

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