Monthly Archives: May 2016

The Key To Limitless Thinking

transformation01We read in Romans 12:2 ‘Be transformed by the renewing of your mind’ In just a few words we find out what we have to do – be transformed, and how to do it. But what does it mean to be transformed and how do we renew our minds?

Let’s start with transformation.

In the scripture quoted above we find that the word ‘transformed’ comes from the Greek word ‘metamorphoo’. From this we get our English word ‘Metamorphosis’ which is the process by which a caterpillar changes into a butterfly. Now, if we take this example, it tells us exactly what happens in this process.

A caterpillar is very limited in where it can go and the distance it can travel. A butterfly, on the other hand, is practically unlimited in its horizons. For example, the Monarch butterfly flies from the rainforests of Brazil to Nova Scotia in Canada, and then back to Brazil, a distance of over eight thousand miles round trip.

When we are transformed we too are unlimited in our possibilities. No longer are we restricted, earth-bound, but our possibilities are infinite. This is all possible because we have the ability to renew our minds.

But what does it mean to renew our minds?

It means that we are fed up with the limitations imposed by our old way of thinking and set our intention to change the way we think, and the way we feel and ultimately the way we act.
It was Einstein who said, ‘We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them’.

We literally have to change who we are – just like the great character actors of Hollywood who actually became the personality they were portraying. We have to put on the ‘new man’ who is comfortable in the surroundings we wish to create.

This is done by creating a clear picture of what you want, for example – a healthy body, more comfortable surroundings or a better financial situation – and then stepping into the picture. This is accomplished during your time of prayer and meditation.

When you are clear on what you want, ask yourself, what kind of person you would have to become to fit comfortably into your picture – how would they talk? How would they think? How would they feel? How would they act?

Somebody once said, ‘To be a millionaire, you must first act like a millionaire’.

All true change in the physical comes from a change, first of all, on the inside.

Mind renewal is the true key to transforming your life from something restricted and dull to a life filled with endless possibilities and potential.

True Prayer and Meditation – The Same Thing?

image09Most of the modern Church institutions have become powerless, spiritually devoid social clubs, all saying the right things but denying the power of the gospel. It was the healing evangelist, John G Lake who said over a hundred years ago that every church should have the letters ‘LTD’ written after their name – because they are limited in power, limited in vision and limited in their ability to minister the ability and authority granted us in Jesus Christ.

One of the root causes of this is the loss of the true meaning of prayer.

Let’s step back for a moment and look at a couple of things in the Word of God which we are instructed to do on an ongoing basis.

First of all we are told to pray without ceasing – that seems like a formidable task in itself – and, secondly, we are instructed to meditate day and night. Now. It would seem if we managed to do any one of these, it would automatically preclude the other, if for no other reason, we just wouldn’t have the time.

As a potential solution to this dilemma, I am going to present a concept for your consideration and that is that prayer and meditation are one and the same thing.

Now when we talk about meditation most Christians are scared stiff. Eastern religions, cults, devils are among some of the negative connotations which spring immediately to mind. All this shows is that they have no idea what their position in Christ is. ( a subject we will examine in more detail in future posts) The Bible tell us to meditate so therefore it is a scriptural practice and we don’t need to say anything else about it at this point except to say it is a spiritual exercise.

Prayer is also a spiritual exercise, not words committed to memory and repeated parrot fashion.

To explain prayer let’s look at a verse in Mark that we have used in a previous post – ‘Whatsoever things you desire, WHEN YOU PRAY, believe you receive them and you shall have them’. How do you believe you receive something when you pray? Simple, you get quiet and see yourself in possession of the thing you desire. But, wait a minute, you may say, doesn’t that sound more like meditation than prayer.

Exactly. Prayer and meditation are both spiritual exercises designed to do exactly the same thing.

As another example, let us look at prayer in the context of healing the sick. To pray for the sick is a common term used in most churches that believe Divine Healing has not passed away. But what if I told you that only once in the Bible does it tell you to pray for the sick and that is in the Gospel of James. In all other places it tells you to heal the sick or to lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.

Look at the ministry of Jesus and how He ministered to the sick. He commanded them to be healed, he commanded sickness to depart, He commanded devils to leave and He commanded the dead to rise. He never prayed for them, all His praying was done before He even came into contact with the sick and what He did then was exercise His authority.

So, if you are involved in ministering to the sick, here is a suggestion for you. Before you go to minister, spend time in the quiet using your imagination to see people coming out of wheelchairs, crippled limbs being made whole and all manner of diseases being healed.

That is true prayer and it has the effect of building up spiritual power on the inside of you and when you come into contact with a person in need, you release that power into their lives and set them free.

Renewing Spiritual Energy

image03We are three part beings – spirit, soul and body. Most of the time we take care of our bodies, but neglect our soul and spirit. We all know that when we are deprived of sleep we don’t function as efficiently. We can’t think ‘straight’, our ability to focus is altered and we tend to be irritable, in other words our body starts to break down.

Just as our bodies need sleep to restore and rejuvenate, to grow muscle, repair tissue and synthesize hormones, so too does our spirit require a time of peace and silence for renewing its energies. It is vital to our spiritual welfare to make time every day for meditation. Meditation can mean different things to different people, some people are even afraid of the concept, not really understanding what meditation is.

Meditation can be sitting quiet and pondering a scripture, mulling it over in our minds. Joshua1:8 and Psalm1:2 tells us to ‘meditate day and night’.
Meditation is also sitting quietly, waiting in God’s presence Psalm 46 :10 tells us to ‘Be still, and know that I am God’

There are so many benefits of meditation. Recent studies have shown that meditation can help relieve stress keeping you calmer, enhance your ability to focus and boosts your creativity and intuition. So not only does meditating renew your spiritual energy, it also improves your state of mind and helps create a healthier body.

We all do really know how to meditate, in fact a lot of people do it every day without realising what they’re doing- worrying. Worry is mulling over in our minds all kinds of negative scenarios. Going to bed at night worrying about things that happened during the day, or things that might happen the following day. Worry is meditating negatively and we don’t want to do that.

So, if you’re not already meditating, why not start today, even for say 15mins. and start enjoying the benefits in your mind and body as well as spiritually.

Where Is God?

image02When you ask most people what their concept of God is, you invariably get the description of a grand old man with a white beard, sitting on a throne somewhere up in the sky, arbitrarily deciding whether or not to answer Yes or No to the many requests that come His way on a daily basis.

It would appear from the general consensus that He is not very amenable as the majority of requests meet with a ‘No’. This, in turn, is translated into the doctrine that it is ‘not God’s will’.

But is that really a true perception of who God really is or is this some religious gobble-gook dreamed up by the church in order to cover their shortcomings and put the blame on God.

Part of the problem is our misconception of God as a man. God is not a man, God is spirit. Even that statement will raise some controversy as most people’s bibles will say that ‘God is A spirit’, thus identifying Him as a single entity and thus separate from everything else. But if anyone cares to look into the original Greek text, you will find that the ‘A’ does not exist, making the true reading – God is Spirit. This fact is borne out by another reference which states that ‘God is ALL and in ALL’.

So, having established who God is, let us examine our original question – Where is God?

Well, if ‘God is all and in all’, then He is obviously everywhere, but let’s get a bit more specific. Most people will recognise God’s dwelling place as the Kingdom of Heaven, which is true. So that genders the question – where is the Kingdom of Heaven? Jesus answers that question for us when He plainly states that ‘the Kingdom of Heaven is within us’. If we accept this statement of Jesus to be true (and why should we not) then logic would tell us that if God’s abode is the Kingdom of Heaven and that Kingdom is within us, then God must be within us as well. This, of course, is borne out by the words of Jesus when He said, “I of myself can do nothing, it is the Father IN ME that does the works”.

So, to recap we recognise that God is Spirit, His abode is the Kingdom of Heaven, and that kingdom is within us. Logic leads us to the conclusion that the Creator is within us, thus making us partners or co-creators with Him.

If we could only realise the power of this truth, then, in partnership with God, nothing would be impossible.

Mathew 19:26… “but with God all things are possible”

Luke 1:37… “for with God nothing shall be impossible”

The ‘SECRET ‘ Was in The Bible All Along …

butterfly04When the movie ‘The Secret’ came out some years ago, it was an overnight success. All of a sudden there was this ‘breakthrough’ in new information that had the ability to change people’s minds and circumstances for the better.
But, of course, this was not new information, ‘The Secret’ has been in the Bible all along. Look at this verse found in Mark 11:24 ‘Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them’.
The thing we have to be mindful of when we discover scripture verses like this, is to be careful our religious mindsets do not interfere with the truth we are reading. This verse is referring to a spiritual law. Spiritual laws work for anyone who works with them. You do not have to be ‘good’ or attend a certain church before a spiritual law will work, this is our religious mindset working. We have no problem believing that physical laws work for everyone – the law of gravity works for both saint and sinner – so why do we think spiritual laws are any different?
Now, there are a couple of points I would like to bring out in this particular verse of scripture. First of all it states that ‘whatsoever things you desire’. There is no restriction on this, it literally means anything. There is something very subtle here and it lies in the difference between the ‘things you want’ and the ‘things you desire’ So what’s the difference?
One example which demonstrates this difference concerns an individual who was quite ill and was being looked after by their family. They said they wanted to be well and they were prayed for but with no result. It transpired that even though they consciously wanted to be healed, they did not want to give up the attention they were getting from family and thus they had a subconscious desire to remain sick. Their desire overrode their want.
You want to have more money but if your inward thoughts tend to poverty then the ‘inner desire’ for poverty will supersede the ‘conscious want’ to be rich.
How we overcome this is laid out in the last part of the verse. We have to believe or see ourselves with the desired outcome. This means changing the inner image of our circumstances which then defines our desire.
So, on our journey towards manifesting this desire, when problems arise, the fact that we have a new image on the inside – a desire rather than a want – will carry us through until the desire we have  is manifested.