Monthly Archives: June 2016

A Royal Healing

wil01“Queen Wilhelmina of Holland entered the state of motherhood six times, but was never able to carry the child to maturity. All the science of Europe could not bring the child to birth.

There was a dear lady in our congregation in South Africa who had formerly been a nurse to Queen Wilhelmina. Her son was marvellously healed when dying of African fever, when he had been unconscious for six weeks. Being a friend of the Queen, she wrote the story of her son’s healing, and after some correspondence we received a written request that we pray God that she might be a real mother.

I brought her letter before the congregation one Sunday night, and the congregation went down to prayer. And before I arose from my knees, I turned around and said, “All right mother, you write and tell the Queen, God has heard our prayer; she will bear a child.” Less than a year later the child was born, the present Princess Julianna of Holland.”

― John G. Lake, The John G. Lake Sermons: On Dominion Over Demons, Disease And Death

The ministry of John G Lake touched every level of human existence, from the savannahs and forests of Africa to the royal houses of Europe, his message and methods were the same. He exercised his authority and dominion over sickness and disease and commanded them to leave in the name of Jesus.

During his ministry in South Africa his influence was felt beyond the Christian sphere. Among the many giants of history who were touched by Lake were such people as Cecil Rhodes, Louis Botha and Jan Smuts. It is on record that John Lake made a significant contribution to the formulation of the South African Constitution.

But the driving force behind the man was his determination to demonstrate the Power of God wherever he saw the opportunity. No matter the location, whether a Queen’s palace or a tribesman’s mud hut, the outcome was the same – the oppressed were set free.

Come Up Here To A New Level Of Possibility

NI04“The life of the Christian without the indwelling power of the Spirit in the heart is a weariness to the flesh. It is an obedience to commandments and an endeavor to walk according to a pattern which you have not power to follow.”
― John G. Lake, The Collected Works of John G. Lake

The power of the Spirit elevates a person into a new level of existence, a place of new possibilities, new vision and new abilities. It is a place where ‘old things have passed away and all things become new’.

It is not as if you have no power at work within you right now because that is what is responsible for your present circumstances. Where life becomes frustrating is when you try to use that same level of power to change conditions for the better.

If you desire a superior life, only a superior power will get you there.

The Bible tells us that the Spirit of God ‘quickens’ or makes ‘alive’ our bodies. It’s like increasing a vibration or a frequency – it raises you up into a completely new realm where it not only can effect your physical body but also gives you a whole new way of thinking.

‘Come Up Here’ is an invitation found more than once in the Scriptures and it is the solution to change a life of struggle and frustration to one of ease and inspiration.

Hidden Riches Of The Kingdom

image10“The secret of spiritual success is a hunger that persists…It is an awful condition to be satisfied with one’s spiritual attainments…God was and is looking for hungry, thirsty people.”
― Smith Wigglesworth

Smith Wigglesworth once stated that he was never without the Bible on his person. It was his only reading material. He read it, studied it, prayed it and talked about it constantly. As he stated above, his secret was his hunger for more of God which led to his total absorption in the Scriptures.

Too many people are content with their degree of spirituality, not realizing that there is NO limit to the level of spiritual growth that can be attained, nor the amount of guidance and wisdom that is lying hidden under the surface. This hidden treasure is only available to the hungry seeker who knows that, no matter the degree of insight that he possesses, the surface has hardly been scratched.

We are complacent in our ‘theological boxes’, unwilling to expand our box and broaden our horizons to discover the hidden riches of the Kingdom of God.

Healing – God Never Changes

jglake01“GOD ALWAYS WAS THE HEALER. He is the healer still, and will ever remain the Healer. Healing is for YOU. Jesus healed, “all that came to Him.” He never turned any one away. He never said, “It is not God’s will to heal you,” or that it was better for the individual to remain sick, or that they were being perfected in character through the sickness. He healed them ALL. Thereby demonstrating FOREVER God’s unchangeable will concerning sickness.”
― John G. Lake, The Collected Works of John G. Lake

People make promises and break them. We have become conditioned to that and almost come to expect it and, because of that, deep down we are not sure if God will keep His promises.

But it states in the scriptures, ‘I am the Lord, I change not’. People like John Lake knew that and that was one of the secrets of their ministry. He knew that once God declared Himself to be the healer, He was the healer for all time. Once He healed one person the precedent was set for all to be healed.
The only thing that stands between us and our healing is trust in the fact that God will do exactly what He said He will do!